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  • £1,000,000 effort, 99p outcome

£1,000,000 effort, 99p outcome

Music is the only way this is a thing I swear?

£1,000,000 effort, 99p outcome

Music is the maddest thing because you start out with a vision, the majority have to pay other people to help bring the vision to life, you have a completed song and then after all this investment, the ‘norm’ is to sell it for 99p.

Spending money to make money is the basic principle of any endeavour.

And yes, I know you can DIY for free, I get it.

What seems so crazy is no matter the route you take to achieve your vision, create what you want to create, the standard and the norm is to charge less then £1 for it.

£1 for something that everyone consumes, that people use on a daily basis, that help people get through rough times in their life.

Of course you can charge more and I’m understanding of the many ways to monetise music. What’s perplexing is if you strip it down to the base level, the hours of creation, editing and getting other people to help, to execute this idea that your brain had, is only worth 99p.

Compare music to other entertainment forms.

None of them are close to this level of normal practice.

Just sat here thinking about it and I haven’t been able to find a comparison or even anything adjacent.

To me that’s mind-blowing, for something everyone enjoys and has access to, its just 99p to own it.

I guess for the consumers its a good thing because its a low barrier to entry of supporting your favourite artist and owning their creation.

On the flip side, I’m sure no artist is like ‘I just put months of work, blood, sweat and tears into this, I can’t wait to sell it for 99p!!’

Like I said, no complaints, just a recent observation I made.

Music is the one language that transcends the globe and you can own a piece of it for just 99p which is backed by £1 million worth of effort.


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