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What does CTMRTTS mean?

Let me explain

What does CTMRTTS mean?

Complete the mission, return to the safehouse. CTMRTTS, for short.

There’s many iterations of this. You may have your own personal version. For me it’s been this for a few years, I even had it engraved on my AirPods as a reminder.

Let’s break it down.

‘Complete the mission’ = Go finish and finalise the task, quest, goal, mission whatever you call it but do not come back until it’s done.

If its something simple, of course you can finish it same day and return. If it’s something that will take weeks, months, a few years even, the premise of CTMRTTS is to keep going.

Many rely on motivation.

Those who do are doomed to fail.

Motivation comes in bursts and when it does it is rarely sustained for any decent amount of time.

Discipline the consistency of that discipline. This is the formula to help you CTM.

The days its dark outside, or you feel you can take a day off, that’s when you have to remember, the mission isn’t complete, therefore you cannot return.

Everyone’s got a favourite Kobe clip

This is mine: ‘Job finished? I don’t think so’.

Kobe was replying to him not being happy about being 2-0 up in the playoffs, in which you need to win 4 games to advance.

Job was half way done, mission wasn’t complete, he wasn’t happy till then. Nothing to celebrate.

I know that seems like a doom and gloom approach but this is how I look at CTMing.

Only you have your mission you’ve set for yourself. You can get advice. You can watch a YouTube tutorial. You can do everything around it. But nothing advances the completion besides doing the work.

Don’t get wrapped up in what you think is work when its just avoidance of the work.

The only thing between you and your goal is the work.

The only thing between an incomplete mission and returning to the safehouse, is doing the work to complete the mission.

‘Return to the safehouse’ = Getting back once you’ve finished the mission.

Don’t stop for anything along the way.

Shiny object syndrome allows you to get distracted by the noise.

You may see what XYZ is doing and pay attention, copy, compare and with that, you have instantly lost.

It doesn’t matter what that is. You don’t need to stop and pay attention.

Just get back to the safehouse.

That’s it.

This half, ‘RTTS’, doesn’t need much explanation because it is as you read it.

Let’s put it together.

Complete the mission + return to the safehouse = Go and do what you need, don’t stop until it’s finished, then once you have completed what you set out to do, return home, back to the safehouse, to reset, regroup, replan and rest.

You can extrapolate this to any goal, task or aim you have.

For me, it’s the overarching ethos why I’m doing what I’m doing, whatever it is.

You don’t have to take it from me, you can take it from Skepta.

If you take one thing from this, remember, CTMRTTS.

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