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  • No-one is coming to save you

No-one is coming to save you

Figure it out, quick.

No-one is coming to save you

Your life, so it’s on you.

black and white love GIF

Pick a film, any film.

Most likely the ending sequence is a huge crescendo, the villain of the film is about to invoke whatever plan, kill your favourite protagonist or whatever, all to be foiled at the last split second.

The villain is taken down, your hero survives and wins the battle.

Apply a similar scenario to your own life and before you even get the first 2 words of your ‘final-stall-out-the-inevitable-save-me’ speech, the villain takes you out.

It’s a wrap. Pack it up. Game over.

Truly, no-one is coming to save you.

What does it actually mean though?

You may have family, friends, acquaintances, partners who are willing and able to help you and that’s great.

Even still, no-one is coming to save you.

We all got bills that gotta get paid so we all gotta hustle.

You can break your arm (hopefully you don’t), bills still gotta get paid.

You still gotta make money to take care of that.

It all boils down to the fact that no matter how hard it gets, how challenging it is, it’s on you to figure it out.

No-one is coming to save you.

I know this sounds super endgame type beat 😂

It sort of has too.

When I understood what it meant, I evaluated things and finally comprehend what it meant.

What did I do?

  • Said no more often

  • Become more selfish, in a way that benefits me, which is a detriment to others sometimes

  • Mapped out what matters the most to me

  • Understood that if I owe money (bills, credit cards, investments, whatever else) I had to pay it

Sounds obvious reading it back.

May even sound obvious to you like ‘Well yeah Mayday, that’s what we all have to do’.

Exactly, we all have to do it.


Because no-one is coming to save you.

You may have an innate ability to want to help and save others.

Honestly, first of all, save yourself.

Then you can help.

I’ve tried many times before to do it the opposite and it worked to varying degrees of success.

Then I switched that (save myself, then others) and I managed to achieve my main mission.

The reason I’ve typed all this is because I have seen the phrase so often but there was never a good resource to help me frame it.

There wasn’t this.

Now there is.

500ish words to explain and ideally help you understand that, even though it is not everything, you must also know that no-one is coming to save you.

Here’s the silver lining you’re looking for👇

‘No-one is coming to save you because you are capable of saving yourself.’

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