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  • You just gotta get it in

You just gotta get it in

Anywhere, Anytime

I’m typing this from a coffee shop.

I don’t leave the house except for 4 things (I’ll explain them soon).

Why am I here?

I been running about all over the place today, lot of IRL stuff that I had to be present for.

(We have Zoom but I digress)

My preference is the safehouse.

It’s cheaper then outside, there’s food and warmth plus its quiet.


This goes out on Monday so here we are.

And that happens sometimes, you get busy, stuff runs over, you don’t control all the variables and things escape you.

Time goes, FAST.

You really just have to get it in.

It might mean staying up later, working during a lunch break, getting up earlier.

Whatever it is you’re working on, whatever it is you want, you just gotta get it in.

I was gonna rush out another piece but there’s more I need to add to it so I’ll send that next week.

Its happened before.

It’ll happen again.

You can’t plan for it.

Something may pop up and you just gotta take care of that before you can do your thing.

Make sure you get it done, don’t let yourself down.

Turning up is 90 PERCENT OF THE BATTLE!

Turn up and you’ve beat everyone who didn’t.

That extra rep, those extra 15 minutes, THOSE are where the difference is made.

You won’t see it straight away.

But as you know from being here, the QUALITY comes from the QUANTITY.

Do it for yourself.

Make sure you don’t let you down.

Anytime, anyhow, anywhere, get it in.

I did with this weeks newsletter and if I did it, you can do it to.

Have a good week!